Friday, February 14, 2020

Recent IELTS Essay Questions

Remember to spend no more than 40 minutes on one essay, and write at least 250 words.

Essay Question 1

Many parents complain about violence promoted to their children through video games, TV programs and other media.Why is it happening? What can be the solution for it? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

Essay Question 2

Some people think that it is fine for professional sportsmen and sportswomen to misbehave on or off the field, as long as they are playing well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Essay Question 3

Nowadays celebrities earn more money than politicians. What are the reasons for this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Essay Question 4

Some think that economic progress is completely dependent on the country’s success, while others believe that other factors are also important. What are the different factors contributing to the success of a country? Do you believe that only one factor is important, compared to others?

Essay Question 5

Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry worldwide. Unfortunately, sometimes it creates tension between people from different cultures, instead of better understanding. Why do you think it is happening and how can it be improved?

Essay Question 6

Many people find it difficult to speak in front of and to present to an audience. It is believed that this skill should be taught in school. Why is this important? To what extent do you agree or disagree with it?

Essay Question 7

Nowadays children watch too much TV. Why is this happening, and what can be done to prevent it?

Essay Question 8

Some people believe that face to face communication is always more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and include relevant examples.

Essay Question 9

In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents’ home once they finish school. They start living on their own or sharing a home with friends. Is this a positive or a negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples.

Essay Question 10

Many people believe that individuals are responsible for their own happiness, while others think happiness is dependent on other external factors. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and examples from your experience.

Essay Question 11

In the past people wore their traditional clothes and followed their culture. These days most people wear similar clothes and therefore look very similar to one another. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Essay Question 12

Some people believe that women should be treated as equal to men when applying for a job with police or the military. Others think women are less suitable for this kind of job. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020


IELTS writing tips

As you know, we provide blogs and information regarding IELTS as well as English language. So, today we are going to share and give IELTS writing tips that how you can get 6.0 to 7.5 bands in IELTS writing module. If you are not familiar with how to plan or manage time for task 2 then first you should click here to get info. about task 2. Let's start how to get IELTS writing tips .

1. Length : Remember that you should write a sentence of  7-8 words at least mean to say 7-8 words per line of your answer sheet.
2.Cohesion : link ideas, paragraphs and  sentences together.
3.Coherence : your all ideas should be easily understood by the reader which will be helpful to get 7+ bands.
4.Composition : use the correct essay structure to give your proper response.
5.Task Achievement : Answer the question fully with cover all points asked in the task statement.

we hope you will get some wonderful tips to get 7 bands in writing module.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How can i score 7+ in IELTS essay

How can i score 7+ in IELTS essay


I am shiva and i am  an IELTS trainerI have received this question various times and I have shared the following tips with my students. Hope it helps you and those who read it.

1. PLAN CAREFULLY : Yes, it is sure that you have to plan your essay carefully before starting an essay. Because, most of the students are facing lot of problems with sentence formation and how to write a complex sentence by using connectors which shows that if you want to get 7+ bands in IELTS writing module then you have to follow some basic and significant planning tips which i have given in this blog. So, plan carefully ( think smartly ) and you can spend 5-6 focused minutes on your given topic.

2. THINK ABOUT MAIN IDEAS : Another thing is that you should not start your essay until you are not sure about main ideas you would like to use. Writing an essay requires a creativity and a perfect explanation which is helpful to get wonderful band scores.

3. GIVE EXAMPLES : Dear students, if you want to achieve your desirable bands in IELTS then you should give an example in each body paragraph mean to say you should clear a particular example related with your topic after leading or starting line of body paragraph 1 and body paragraph 2. From my personal experience, you should read BBC news which will be better than only going through band 9 essays available online.

4. CONCLUSION ( how to close both paragraphs) : When you are going to close your both body paragraphs mean to say body paragraph 1 and 2 then you have to clear the conclusion that what you have cleared and explained by using therefore, thus, so, in this way and as a result.

AT the end, i would like to say that this kind of tips will help you to get 7+ bands i n IELTS essay.

Thank you


Friday, January 31, 2020

IELTS writing essay time management

 IELTS  writing essay time management 

You must write about 250 words and this should be completed in approximately 40 minutes (because you also need to complete writing task 1 in the first 20 minutes of the 1 hour writing test).
To write the perfect answer and get the highest IELTS band score possible, you need to write quickly but also keep calm and focus on writing your answer.

It is true that most of the students face different kinds of problems during their exams specially time management and how to attempt IELTS writing task 2 in 40 minute(click here) is very important to get good band scores in IELTS. Here, we have given some tips as well as a wonderful method(click here) for IELTS writing task 2. so, my dear students, i hope with these links you will get some ideas, tips and a method of 7+ bands for IELTS writing.
Moreover, if you want to get incredible band scores in ielts then you have to learn advance English to increase your spoken level and self confidence which will be helpful for getting 7+ bands 

Thank you

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Difference between SEE, LOOK and WATCH

Difference between SEE, LOOK and WATCH

The words seelook, and watch all have to do with perceiving something with your eyes. Listen and hear have to do with perceiving something with your ears. However, they are used in different ways.
First, let's read their definitions:
  • See means to notice or become aware of (someone or something) by using your eyes
  • Look means to direct your eyes in a particular direction
  • Watch means to look at (someone or something) for an amount of time and pay attention to what is happening.

Now let's look at some example sentences using seelook, and watch:
  • Rahul sees the sun coming in through the window and knows it is morning.
  • sahil looks towards the window because he wants to know if it is morning yet. 
  • Thomas watches the sun come up in the morning. 
  • Jeiny sees that the game is on TV but she does not watch it with her brother.
  • Look up there! Do you see that airplane? 
This type of information can help you that hoe you can get knowledge about those words which we use in our daily life as well as when you will try to learn then we hope it will help you . 

thank you

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Get 7+ bands just in 45 days

Get 7+ bands just in 45 days

Hello students,
If you are looking for wonderful band scores in IELTS then , you will be glad to know that we have discovered  the best way for you with our excellent experience of English get more info just click here

From our personal experiences ,  we get a lot of questions from students are looking how they can improve English grammar and band scores for IELTS. Of course, Students can learn grammar in a perfect way for their exams as well as for their daily life  (six weeks or less), this is the best approach.

However, if you have more time to study, a second way to make good improvements to your score is quite simply to improve your English. 

Here, we have given an example how to get ideas for IELTS speaking cue card and Spoken English skills. To get ideas just click here

Monday, January 20, 2020

How to get ideas for ielts speaking cue card

  Ideas for cue card

English language has been becoming a famous language for long time which shows that if you want to get promotion in your any kind of field then you have to learn english language. While, there are number of sources to get knowledge about english language like IELTS is one of them specially for the beginners and for those who are going to give their IELTS exam e.i. IELTS SPEAKING which is little bit like as a interview and there is a cue card which you can not complete with good ideas. So, to get ideas that how you can get ideas for IELTS speaking cue card just click here

IELTS Prediction 9th january 2021

 IELTS Prediction 9th january 2021 Hello students, if you are going to give your IELTS exam next year on 9th january 2021 then definitely ...