Monday, November 9, 2020

                          Synonyms and related words

1. See   : observe, perceive, make out, reflect, consider.                                                 

2. Past  : earlier, former time, old days.

3. Good  : excellent, fabulous, ideal, impressive.

4. Flourish : abound, plentiful, prosper, boom, increase.

5. Abstract  : unreal, metaphysical, intangible. 

6. Irrational : absurd,  illogical, senseless, ridiculous.

7. Exploit : misuse, abuse, mistreat, ill-treat.

8. Accept   : get, receive, take, welcome, recognize, consent to.

9. Accommodate : board, house, lodge, shelter, quarters.

10. Action : deed, feat, performance, operation, movement.

11. Backward : regressive, handicapped, underdevelopment.

12. Bad : evil, mean, depraved, deplorable, vicious.

13. Continue : carry on, pursue, keep on , maintain, prolong.

14. Dangerous : alarming, grave, explosive, risky.

15. Describe : explain , express, present, relate, depict.

16. Economical : inexpensive, cost effective, reasonable, affordable.

17. Assertive : affirmative, confident, dogmatic, resolute.

18. Endless : limitless, boundless, unlimited, infinite.

19. Essential : basic, crucial, fundamental, mandatory.

20. Huge : immense, massive, vast, mega. 

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